Auto-Nav Problem

Hi all,

I have a problem with the auto-nav, for some reason the order of my links are displaying in reverse. I have checked it and it isn't set up in reverse order of sitemap, even the preview dislays it in the right order. When I add another auto-nav to the page it displays in the order that I want.

I have even trie deleting it and re-creating it, but it still displays in reverse.

Any ideas as to why this is behaving in this way?

Thanks in advance

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
are you using a custom theme?
handyeye replied on at Permalink Reply
Yea I'm using a custom theme here is the code in which declared it an editable region if this helps

<div id="navigation">
$a = new Area('Header Nav');
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
can you link to the site?
handyeye replied on at Permalink Reply
The site isn't live yet, wanna get this sorted before it does go live
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
try deleting the <ul> tags around it. (even if it doesn't work that gets outputted by c5, so its a good practice.)
handyeye replied on at Permalink Reply
I have deleted the <ul> tags but it still hasn't changed anything
r1digital replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Are you sure the structure of the sitemap is in the right order? It's always worth going into the dashboard and checking out the sitemap tab.

I might also be worth looking at your CSS, if your running a horiztonal nav then it might be something like text-align: right instead of left.

Do you have a link to the development site?
handyeye replied on at Permalink Reply
It was the CSS I always get a bit confused when dealing with navigation bars I'm slowly learning though lol

Cheers R1Creative