Auto-Nav second line shifts to right as you move through the pages

Auto-nav is setup according to How-to article:
- in their sitemap order
- at the top level
- None
When I'm on the Home page the two line menu appears normal, but when I select the next page on the menu, the second line of menu on the 2nd page shift one position to the right, again when I select the 3rd page, the second line of the menu again shifts one position to the right, leaving a blank space to the left. If I continue this process it will eventually shift the second line menu to a third line leaving the second line blank. I've checked it out but cannot determine what is causing the menu to shift right with each successive page selection.
Your advice is appreciated.

Grumpy replied on at Permalink Reply
Also, the Custom Template is set to Header Menu
Grumpy replied on at Permalink Reply
Grumpy replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I didn't solve the issue, but resolved the problem by switching to another theme.