Auto Nav - Sub pages

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Is there a way to have the auto nav show sub pages on mouse roll over?

R08 replied on at Permalink Reply

Is there a way to display drop-downs on roll over?
R08 replied on at Permalink Reply

Is there a way to display drop-downs on roll over?
R08 replied on at Permalink Reply

Is there a way to display drop-downs on roll over?
R08 replied on at Permalink Reply

Is there a way to display drop-downs on roll over?
R08 replied on at Permalink Reply

Is there a way to display drop-downs on roll over?
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
I think the default Autonav block doesn't allow you to do so. You need to do some custom coding for that. Otherwise have a look into the other menu nav in marketplace.

bbeng89 replied on at Permalink Reply
As Rony said, this will require some custom coding, but you should be able to accomplish it by creating a custom template. Check out: