Can anyone tell me if it is possible for the auto-nav to appear behind the site name. I am attempting to use full page images. In some the nav is not showing up clearly, getting lost in the image. I have successfully added a color behind the auto-nav which is perfect. But the colored auto-nav block is appearing over the logo (My-Site-Name). Thank you

Your desire is attainable! Your path is to edit the CSS of your theme. You can start my playing with the z-index of the html elements that are overlapping. You also might want to share a url of your site to allow for more specific advice if needed.
Thanks for trying to help me. The working site is at
I really need to make the nav standout on the full page image background Thanks
I really need to make the nav standout on the full page image background Thanks
See the attached image for an example of something you could do. Here I added style for a black background to the 'ul' element. You can edit your theme to achieve this. If you need more direction feel free to inquire further.
Thanks for this help. Do you think there's a way to make the black area around the nav neater? Meaning better padding left right above and below.
background-color: black; padding: 20px 49px; margin-top: -5px;
Thank you. Which folder and file am I looking for. Is it main.css in the default? If so I don't see the code needing to be changed. Thanks for the hand holding!
no problem, looks like you got it!