Auto navigation

When I put in the block autonavigation, it only shows on the homepage. And not on others. I'm I missing something?


When you click on 'photo's', the menu is gone

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there, auto nav is a block so would have to be added to your page manually, so on "Foto's" you would need to put your site in edit mode and add it as a block.

If you put the following code into your template, where you want your navigation to be, this will render the nav on every page, that page type is used.

   $a = new Area('Header Nav');
pixel replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, thx.

But I still have to ad the block on that page, is that normal?
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
If your adding autonav yes that is normal, if you use the code i gave you and add that to your page template, the nav will appear automatically every time you use that page type.

The beauty of concrete5 is its flexibility, the cms does not dictate that you should have nav in position x,y or z, the block architecture allows the end user/developer to place elements as they please.
pixel replied on at Permalink Reply
By page template, you mean the default.php? I added your code in the, but it doesn't render automatic?
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, what page template are you using? are you definitely using default.php or have you chosen full.php, the code I gave you would have to be added to all page types your site uses to render on those page types.
pixel replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, I missed the pagetype thing (blond). Thanks a lot for your support.
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
No problems :)
pixel replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I only get part of the pagetypes.

Maybe you can help me out here. In the file you see, that I want to make to templates. One has to be with 1 comllum and one wit 2 collums. Both are in de 'content area'.

What is the best way to accomplish this?
pixel replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Wrong picture....
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Basically you can create any page types you like, just build your page as you would normally HTML/CSS place in your Concrete5 specific php tags add the page to the folder where your default.php is and when you log into your dashboard go to "pages and Themes" highlight your theme and click "inspect" activate the new page types and they will be there for you to use on your site.

for example:


There is no restriction on the type of pages and layouts you can create, so my advice would be create your pages how you would normally, and place in your editable areas into each column, you dont necessarily have to have a "Main" editable area in your theme (unless you are submitting to marketplace)
pixel replied on at Permalink Reply
Great help. I get it now. It's getting better and better. :)
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
its a fantastic cms, well worth getting to grips with.