Autonav Menu Header blank link

I have 3 links and each one has the inove them arrow blocks. After the last link/page on the autonav menu there's a blank link with no page info displayed. when moused over the link location is javascript:void and when clicked on it'll go to a missing page. I've deleted all extra pages in sitemap. I can't get rid of it! I've attached a jpeg image showing what I mean.

1 Attachment

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
i think thats a problem with the theme
sorrells replied on at Permalink Reply
So, I was searching around and by no means am I a programmer but I opened up the header.php file. I found code in there that refers to navigation and void href. I took out the href and now the blank spot still is active but won't go anywhere if you click on it. I'll paste the code below, but how can I altogether just remove the blank block?

<!-- navigation START -->
<div id="navigation">
<ul id="menus">
<li><a class="home" title="Home" href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/">Home</a></li>

$ah = new Area('Header Nav');
$ah->maximumBlocks = 1;
$printed = ob_get_contents();

$printed = str_replace('<ul class="nav-header">', '', $printed);
$printed = str_replace('<li class=" ">', '<li class="page_item">', $printed);
$printed = str_replace('<div class="ccm-spacer">&nbsp;</div>', '', $printed);
$printed = str_replace('<li class="nav-selected', '<li class="current_page_item page_item', $printed);
$printed = str_replace('</ul>', '<li><a class=\"lastmenu\"></a></li>', $printed);
print $printed;


</ul> <div class="fixed"></div>

<!-- navigation END -->

Where it has "last menu" is the problem line and that's where I removed the href with javascript:void