AutoNav in Header_nav area using iNove theme doesn't show in IE7?
Hi all
I've got a recently built C5 site running fine with the iNove theme in both Firefox and Chrome, but in IE7 the Autonav block doesn't show up in the Header_nav area at the top of the page, so my site menu isnt accessible in IE7. Any other blocks I add, like Content, show up fine, its just the Autonav block. Any ideas greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I've got a recently built C5 site running fine with the iNove theme in both Firefox and Chrome, but in IE7 the Autonav block doesn't show up in the Header_nav area at the top of the page, so my site menu isnt accessible in IE7. Any other blocks I add, like Content, show up fine, its just the Autonav block. Any ideas greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I think you may be right, but my CSS knowledge is zero, and my PHP knowledge is slim. The code for the header_nav in the header is:
But what this actually means I dont know.
From my looking, I get the first part with the link to the Home page, and then the
bit doesn't seem to be processed correctly, as then I just get the javascript:void bit straight after the Home logo.
<!-- navigation START --> <div id="navigation"> <ul id="menus"> <li class="<?php /*echo($home_menu); */ ?>"><a class="home" title="Home" href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/">Home</a></li> <?php $ah = new Area('Header_Nav'); $ah->display($c); ?> <li><a class="lastmenu" href="javascript:void(0);"></a></li> </ul> <!-- searchbox START --> <div id="searchbox"> </div> <!-- searchbox END --> <div class="fixed"></div>
Viewing 15 lines of 17 lines. View entire code block.
But what this actually means I dont know.
From my looking, I get the first part with the link to the Home page, and then the
<?php $ah = new Area('Header_Nav'); $ah->display($c); ?>
bit doesn't seem to be processed correctly, as then I just get the javascript:void bit straight after the Home logo.
Were either one of you able to find a solution to this issue? I was all set and ready to use this theme for my site, but then came across this major issue. Any tips for fixing it would be appreciated.
I know that occasionally I run into problems with IE, usually end up having to create a seperate CSS file for IE just to make it work correctly.