background image unknown error


I started another discussion here:
but unfortunately the information was limited. However, i did try few tips and tricks i found on the internet to make it to work.

The interesting here and the reason why i started a new discussion, is the fact that now i cannot remove the background image! I tried deleting the attribute, but the image remains. I undid all the changes, but it remains. I even redownloaded the elemental theme from the website but there was no change. You may see the issue here:

Any ideas what am i doing wrong?


ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
You are using a custom style in your home page that is loading the image.
admin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your answer!

So I went to the specific page, I clicked on the cogwheel > Design > Theme > Customize > Custom CSS which was empty and also i clicked on the reset customizations

still same issue
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi vasileiosg,

The background was not set using a customizable style in the theme. It was set using the design tools on what looks like the Main area.