Banner and email help please!
Permalinkmy website is
Also I am trying to make changes to the contact us page. I've tried adding the code to make the email addresses to be clicked on and go directly to email. I typed into the html <a href=" but it doesn't work and every thing below what I add gets deleted.
I've attached the banner that I'm trying to add and replace
The emails, I did it the hard way but I figured it out before I read your post. I typed it all into html and it took forever to figure it out, but your information is really helpful for future reference.
There may also be threads or how to's on approaching this, and searching info may also prove helpful.
If the stacks already there, than click it, and edit with the above.
To add your email as a pop up link, write your email in a content block ex. "To email us click here" highlight the text, and click the little link icon that looks like a link of a chain. When you press the link icon it will have an option for link url, in here write - or whatever your email address is, and the link will automatically become a pop up mail window.
Images for all steps are attached