Billing page looks weird + international shipping


I just customized a site for Concrete and I'm using the eCommerce solution.

(1) The billing page repeats itself like 3 times. Does this have to do with my custom theme/CSS? The template seems to break.

(2) How can I have no shipping charge for domestic orders and a shipping charge for international orders? I currently have the "Table-based shipping" add-on and would like to know how to enable a shipping charge for international orders without manually typing in each zip code.

Is there any way to duplicate the "flat shipping" module and apply the international amount for that without screwing up the site?

Would I have to create a new shipping type?

Seems like it should be more simple than that though.

Thanks for the help.

tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
The first problem is definitely odd. I've not seen that before. If I had to guess, I would say that, yes, there is something wrong with your custom theme.

Second, as to the shipping for international order. jgarcia wrote the original version of Table-based Shipping addon. I added the zipcode support that became version 1.1. I have a newer version (currently 1.3.2) of the add-on that supports wildcarding of the zipcodes. That should make it easier to do what you want. I have attached that code here.

Finally, my Local Pickup Shipping method might be of value to you. It works like the flat rate method but allows you to specify multiple locations. Each location can have a different handling fee assigned to it. You could setup of locations for different countries and charge different amounts. You would probably want to make some minor text changes to the code, though, because you wouldn't be using it for 'Local Pickup'.
jaline replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot. I'll give that a try.

How would I go about formatting it though for shipping to every country except the USA and Canada? I'm wondering if there's a listing of zip codes, or how I could use them with the wildcard option. Or would the local pickup one be better?

Also, I just updated the web site with a listing of the most viewed products on the main page. Is there any way to make this the most recently added products instead? I don't see that option in the products block.

Thanks again. It's really appreciated.
tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
The table based shipping method doesn't use the shipping country value only the zipcode, so unless you have unique zip codes for each country, it may not work for you. You can, however, choose which countries the method as a whole will be available for by selecting this on the config page. This is a standard feature of all shipping methods. If your shipping rate for all international countries is the same then you could just choose the countries you will ship to and leave out those you won't (or will ship to for free). You could then use the flat rate method to ship to shipping to US/Canada.

If you need to charge different amounts for different countries and you can't use zip codes, then you will probably need to use a different shipping method. In that case my Local Pickup method would probably be the cheapest and easiest solution for you. Other than that, I think you're probably looking a custom code. It wouldn't be hard to add a "country code" option to the table based method...

I don't believe that the eCommerce package supports "most recently added" as a search parameter. Unless I'm wrong about that you would need to write some custom code to support it.
jaline replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome, that totally worked, thanks :)

Now to figure out that shipping/billing-page-replication problem. If changing the CSS/PHP doesn't work for me, I'll have to come back here again...
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
jaline, go to your themes folder, and open the view.php, you can only have 1 $innerContent in a view, otherwise it just repeats :)
jaline replied on at Permalink Reply
That makes sense, thanks a lot.