Block Copy & Paste Error

Every time I try to copy and paste a block I get an error. It worked a couple times at first, but it no longer does.

I get an extremely long error, and it looks like it's trying to paste into a different area than I am trying to paste into.

I think this may have started after I deleted a block that I had used to copy from in a default template. I'm not sure how to resolve this. Is there a way to reset the copy functionality.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Some blocks do not behave well within the copy/paste popup. Once in it, leaving a php error that prevents blocks below them showing. (for example, some page list variants).

You can usually click on the line at the top of the erroring block in the paste dialog and select to delete it from the paste board.
joemc replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, John.
I've tried deleting all copied blocks, but I still get the error.
It doesn't matter which kind of block I try to copy now, everyone shows the error when trying to paste.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Could be you are experiencing a different bug to the one I have come across. Sorry I have no further ideas on how you could solve this.