Block editor window is off the page
When I click to add content to an empty block the window is so tall it is off the screen. I can't click on edit or add content because I can't see it. Sometimes it works most of the time not. It doesn't matter where I click. I've attached a screen shot from when I try to add content to the "right_side"
newbie here, hmmmm.. You are using Safari? have you tried Chrome or Firefox?
Just thought of something -- I would run into similar issues with not getting the color selector and other problems on the WYSIWYG Content editor at the end of the day when I was using a lot of RAM from doing photoshop. I usually would do a complete restart down to power on my desktop and that usually cleared out the problem.
Browser does not matter
Probably your css, try making 'container' an id, not a class.
Double check the css for conflict. Take things out until it works properly, then you'll know who the culprit is.
Double check the css for conflict. Take things out until it works properly, then you'll know who the culprit is.
I agree with 55webdesign. I scanned though my packages directory and the C5 core css files and it looks like you're asking for trouble if you have an element with the class name 'container'.
I had a look at the breakfast page of your live site and there seems to be a lot of elements that I would re-classify as ID's instead of classes such as 'container', 'header', 'footer', 'content'... basically anything where there's just one instance of the element on the page. Conflicts between your css and the css of the various blocks are hard to debug so I usually add a couple of letters and a dash to my classnames and ID's to make sure they're unique. For example, you could rename your classes to 'ma-container', 'ma-header', etc.
Just a thought.
I had a look at the breakfast page of your live site and there seems to be a lot of elements that I would re-classify as ID's instead of classes such as 'container', 'header', 'footer', 'content'... basically anything where there's just one instance of the element on the page. Conflicts between your css and the css of the various blocks are hard to debug so I usually add a couple of letters and a dash to my classnames and ID's to make sure they're unique. For example, you could rename your classes to 'ma-container', 'ma-header', etc.
Just a thought.