block for every page not working as expected

This is exactly what I want to do:

So awesome! ... except I actually can not get this to work. This is how I expect it to work:

1. Log in as admin of my concrete5 installation.
2. Open ‘Dashboard’.
3. Go to Page Types section.
4. Click on ‘Defaults’ button of the necessary page type.
5. Concrete5 will redirect you to the page where you can get into editing mode.
6. Add blocks that you want to be created on the page type pages by default just like you do when editing other pages.

Parts 1-5 are no problem. I get right up to the part 6 and I do not have the normal ability to add blocks. How the heck do I add anything!? ... I can delete stuff or edit existing default blocks on pages that have them. When I click on an existing default block I get the following options: "Edit, Copy to Scrapbook, Move, Delete, Design, Custom Template, Setup on Child Pages".

Am I missing something easy? I sounded to me like I ought to have additional entries in that contextual menu ... ones like "Add Block"?

My searches in these forums yield many threads related to this topic but I can not find one with my issue.

I would really like to figure this out. Thanks for the help.

medicimedicine replied on at Permalink Reply
This is with Concrete5.4.1.1
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
look at the bottom there should be an add to main button.
medicimedicine replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

The editing of default blocks works as expected with the super-user account even though it does not work with other accounts in the Administrator group.

only use 'admin'!