Block within global area won't publish on its own

Make a small text change to block in a global header and publish. Change appears to be made, only when you log out or view on another browser/machine you see change is not live.

Replicated? Yes, two different sites, ( found this issue. Caching is off btw.

If make a change to the global block (add a space if need be) and make a change to another content block on the page (add a space to home page content area), and then publish, the global block shows up live.

dlwwebs replied on at Permalink Reply
I have this same issue and your workaround has not helped.

If you go to the changes aren't there.
If you go to the changes are there.

A noteable change is that you should be able to see a date below the header title.

I'm desparate for help on thjis.