Blocks & Divs

Is it possible to create a block that automatically increases in lenght as more text is added. Is there any CSS that can do this?
Any help would be grateful.


Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure what you mean by this but adding more text to a block already causes all blocks to become longer.
Majkid replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry. I should have been clearer.
I've added a div container to the blocks with a coloured background, Border and specified hieght. For example 300px. If my text is longer than this (for example 350px) then the bottom 50 pxs of Text prints outside the container .
Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure if this works but why not set height=100% instead of giving it an amount of pixels
Majkid replied on at Permalink Reply
Great. It works. Thanks very much for the help.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
how about
Majkid replied on at Permalink Reply
This works as well. Thanks for the help.