Blocks not working properly after the latest update


I had a message come up on a site I made for a client saying that it needed to update the version. I did the update, and now none of the blocks work properly when I try adding new ones - normal content blocks will not let me change text colour or anything. Added custom blocks like Cu3er do not display thumbnails properly.

Are there known issues with your recent update release??????? This is causing me a MAJOR amount of grief!@!!!!

rutrem replied on at Permalink Reply

iam not an programmer, but something similar happend to me. after an upgrade, all pass nicely, but the content can not be updated...
happens that during the upgrade, the mySQL database cells was duplicated, so all the content in the database was duplicated.
derlopas replied on at Permalink Reply
Same here.
Updated the version (looked good! impressively good!)
then I tried to edit a page, add a block...... nothing there!!
ad block does not work at all no matter how many times I tried!!
wtf? What is the matter with this update?
Any fix coming up soon????
I'm DESPERATE here!!
can't change ANYthing.........