Blocks or properties

I have not used C5 for very long, but I am used to other CMS systems, and currently I am trying to understand how to best do things I am used to while using C5.

In short terms, I want to have two sets of permissions (for two user groups). One for administrators able to do advanced editing, moving blocks around etc, and one for editors that will only write/edit articles and other content of the pages without having the advanced options of C5.

I have a couple of page types, lets consentrate on two for now. One for standard pages that is part of the page structure (showing up in the menus) and one for list-articles (for news etc). On standard pages, there is normaly a text block, the same is true for articles, and articles also have a summary/ingress and a thumbnail for lists, along with a thumbnail image for lists.

1. Content in page attributes or block options
So far, I have had ingress/thumbnail/body as three attributes on the article pagetype, while the text on standard pages has been in Content blocks. So I was thinking, would it be better to have normal page texts on standard pages as an attribute aswell? When should content like text and images be put into the page type attributes, and when should it be in the form of block parameters like Content/Image blocks? I want to set this up the best way for practical use, scalability and flexibility in functions and use. I have used a custom block that show the attributes directly on the page. This way I can put the block into different page types and pages instead of "hardcoding" the php files for the page types to show the attributes. This is more like block-systems I have used in other CMS even though there is no block that is able to show content from page attributes in the standard installation of C5 (I found that a bit strange compared to how other flexible CMSs work).

1. Ease of use for content editors
The next thing I am wondering, is about making it simple for content editors to write new content and edit existing. Mainly article pages, but also text on standard pages. Content editors are often less technical and less used to advanced CMS functions, so ease of use is important. The Composer makes it easy to write new content, showing a well arranged form with the standard attributes (title, date++) and my custom attributes (ingress, thumbnail, body). But when I (or content editors in this case) want to edit the articles, I have not found any simple way of opening a similar form. I then have to click Properties under the Edit dropdown box on the C5 toolbar, then go to Custom Attributes to find my content attributes, and there is a lot of "disturbing elements" on that dialog for non-technical content editors, like the whole left column where all attributes can be enabled/disabled.

Is there an easier way to let content editors work on the content of the page?

Ricalsin replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Take a look at this (free) addon by jordanlev: It was designed for exactly the condition you outlinned in your last paragraph.

Permissions: It sounds to me like you'll need to turn on the Advanced Permissions. It's not difficult. It can still inherit everything from the home (or page above).