Blog summary page - plz don't hate me as a newb

Yes, i am a total newb here.

so at default, there is a blog page that contains a block that shows all the blog post teaser (showing a bit of every post you did).

I know it may be easy but i tried for hours to find out that feature.
I am pretty sure it's page list. i tried check and un-check the truncate summaries. and i am still ending up getting only a list of links

anyone knows why ?

wagdi replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You are using version -

If you use the 'Content Around Image' add-on then the image will automatically appear on your blog 'page-list'.


Another option is to use the 'Page List teasers' add-on -

"This addon provides a custom template for the Page List block that displays actual content from the page instead of the "description".

Install this add-on and select the template when you edit the page-list by going to 'Design'-> 'Custom Template'

NOTE: This feature comes included with the latest release of Concrete5- Version 5.5. :)
AngusHume replied on at Permalink Reply
You are right, it is a page list block. By default the page list block displays the page name and description. That's the description that you enter in page properties not an extract from the page. That confused me at first.

I think what you are looking for is to use that page list block and then select custom template of blog index for that block. That will display the title and whatever content you enter in the first content part of a blog page.

I believe this is inlcuded in the core The page list teasers addon looks good, probably better. But if you are only just starting your site, sounds like you might be better to update to 5.5.
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, it sounds like you havnt added the blog_index custom template to the page list block.

Put your site in edit mode, click on the page list, the one that is currently only showing titles, and at the bottom of the menu choose "custom template" from the drop down select blog_index and your page list should now start displaying your blog excerpts.

If they do not appear straight away after choosing the Blog_index custom template, publish the page by exiting edit mode and it should whip it to life.
daec replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for all the help guys, ( Happy asian new year ) :D

Let me try to install 5.5 first and i will get back to you guys.

I was installing through simple script, that's why i was only able to do the latest stable version.