Blogga - More Content ( Problem )

Hi people. I downloaded Blogga , i was thinking i will can to publish news ,embeding videos , photos , using bbcode , and more.....

I'm trying to change the form how blogga publish the news adding the "TEXTAREA" of Text Editor

To try this to your site , change " for you real domain.

For the moment this doesn't work because doesn't work the "publish" button.

If someone wish to help me .. i'll whait.

<div class="ccm-pane-controls">
<a name="_add1"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
   $('#ccm-block-form').each(function() {
      ccm_setupBlockForm($(this), false, 'add');
<input type="hidden" name="ccm-block-pane-action" value="/index.php/tools/required/add_block_popup.php?cID=106&btID=1&arHandle=Blog+Area" />
<form method="post" action="/index.php?cID=106&arHandle=Blog+Area&btID=1&mode=edit&ccm_token=1305636324:f12c18441ad34e1bff0f9850608b8fe0" class="validate" id="ccm-block-form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="ccm-block-form-method" value="REGULAR" />
<div id="ccm-block-fields">
<script language="javascript">