Blogga Pagination - "Display Paging" not successing pages w/in Blogga

I have the newest version of Blogga installed on three sites. I have been posting four blogs a week for the last month, for a total of 24 blogs or so.
The pagination was working fine on one of the sites, but not on the other two. My developer can't figure it out (I'm an AE, so lamen terms are greatly appreciated!)
Problem: I have "Display Paging" checked and turned on. And selected to show 10 blogs at a time. Once back on the Blog home page, I click "Next" or "2" to see the next page of blogs, and either the same page refreshes, or the same page refreshes in a new tab but with CSS issues.
I know someone started a thread like this in 2010, but I didn't see it resolved. Please help so I don't have to use a different blog add on.

bwolken replied on at Permalink Reply
I too am experiencing this issue with Blogga. Any resolutions to this issue? Can't seem to find any.
mdzoidberg replied on at Permalink Reply
There is a problem with the caching features with this addon, to enable pagination disable the caching properties on the controller, here is how;

1- Go to blogga/blocks/blog_posts
2- open the controller.php file
3- comment out lines 9 - 13, see below

// caching for 5.4.1
    /*protected $btCacheBlockRecord = true;
    protected $btCacheBlockOutput = true;
    protected $btCacheBlockOutputOnPost = true;
    protected $btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers = true;
    protected $btCacheBlockOutputLifetime = 300;

4- clear you cache and try it again, pagination should now work just fine.