body disappears while editing

I'm working on my own theme. Every time I try to add a block to a content area, the window goes up and then the entire body of the page (you know, like, THE <BODY> TAGS) disappears. Argh. Please help.

LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
This sounds like CSS styles in your theme are conflicting with styles in Concrete5. Try this:

1. Wrap your entire theme inside a <div id="page"></div> so something like:

<div id="page">
your theme content

2. In your CSS file, prepend (add before) every style definition with "#page" somthing like this:

#page p {font-size:10px;}

This will make sure that your theme's styles aren't getting muddled by concrete5's styles or vice-versa.

(ignore the php tags in the code examples above)
kikizing3 replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh. I was doing that but I think I changed something... i'll change it back and see if it works. Thanks!
kikizing3 replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope. Still not working.
kikizing3 replied on at Permalink Reply
Note: this only happens on the webserver, my identical XAMPP install works fine.
LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
Here are some ideas:

- Are there any additional javascript or lines of code that don't belong to concrete5 on your site?

- Can you provide a link so we can take a look?

- Can you provide screenshots?

- You may also want to provide the theme files for us so we can review to see if the problem is there.
kikizing3 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

No extra javascript, as far as I can find...
Attached are the theme files. I'm almost thinking this is a webserver problem, which I can't deal with since I'm on a really limited hosting plan. :|
LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
Some things to look at:

Try upgrading to concrete - This might or might not fix the issue if it's a web server problem.

Try commenting out the StatCounter code in the footer of your theme. I don't think it's the problem but it might be worth a shot.

The code for the footer should be:


instead of:

require(DIR_FILES_ELEMENTS_CORE . '/footer_required.php');

I'm sure they do the same thing but you'll want to get into the practice of doing it this way.

Can you clarify exactly what's happening and when. That's where I was asking for a screenshot, but knowing the following might help too:

- You can get to edit mode.
- You can see something like "Add to Main" while in Edit Mode.
- You click on "Add to Main" and the block selection list pops up.
- You select a block and enter information.
- You click add.

Where in those steps is this failing and hiding your body code?
kikizing3 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd rather not upgrade, but I will if this doesn't fix it.

I can get into edit mode, and see the "add to Content". When I click on that the dialog pops up but once it finishes loading, my screen goes blank.

thanks for the help, i'll try this!

EDIT: i found out that this also happens with some other dialog boxes, like the versions and properties boxes. argh.

EDIT 2: when the page is blank, i went to chrome's inspect element and the only thing left was
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
in the head section. nothing else. i took out my analytics code already...