Bottom of the Page Text

Permalink 1 user found helpful
Is it possible to delete the text on the bottom of your page that says "currently signed in as (username)" and "concrete5 open source cms" and whatever?

jero replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes - edit your theme files - most probably elements/footer.php is the one you want to alter.
cal8eb8 replied on at Permalink Reply
So does the website save something to the computer? 'Cause I can't find a theme file on the site.
codingpenguins replied on at Permalink Reply
It is under your install of concrete. If it is a theme you installed it is at: /themes/(name of theme)/elements/footer.php or if it is one that came with concrete5 it is at: /concrete/themes/(name of theme)/elements/footer.php.

Then inside this file you should see something like
<span class="sign-in"><?php echo t('Currently logged in as <b>%s</b>.', $userName)?> <a href="<?php echo $this->url('/login', 'logout')?>"><?php echo t('Sign Out')?></a></span>