Bullets Not Showing

When I try to create a list (ordered or unordered) in a content block, the bullets are not shown. I have searched the forum and found that others have this problem, but nobody seems to have a solution. How can this be? Surely one of you masters can conquer this?

I am using version

drbiskit replied on at Permalink Reply
This will likely be a CSS issue. I can't give you a definitive answer without seeing a working example - but it's most likely to be that the list item styling has been set to 'none' in your CSS. You will probably need to add something like this to your CSS file:

For an unordered list - Say your markup was:
<ul class="your-class-name">
  <li>list item 1</li>
  <li>list item 1</li>
  <li>list item 1</li>

Then you would add this to your CSS file:
ul.your-class-name li {

for an ordered list:
<ol class="your-class-name">
  <li>list item 1</li>
  <li>list item 1</li>
  <li>list item 1</li>

Then you would add this to your CSS file:
ol.your-class-name li {

Obviously amend 'your-class-name' to suit, and the 'margin-left' property was put in as this may help, you will probably need to amend that depending on how you wanted it all to look.

The '!important;' part may not be needed, but it will help to force things through if you get stuck - try removing it to see if it works without it. It all depends how the rest of the CSS has been written, and in what order things appear.

If this doesn't work, if you could provide a URL, then it will be easier for someone to give an exact answer.

Hope this helps!
chuckgcs replied on at Permalink Reply
After attempting to add the style code to the block's "Design" -> "CSS" tab without success,
as a quick-fix, the following worked to get the un-ordered bullets to show in my content block.
<ul style="list-style-type: disc!important;">
<li> item one</li>
<li> item two</li>
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
What theme are you using. Some of my early themes used a severe reset that got rid of bullets.
StMark replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your help guys!

I am using the "Earthling Two" theme. I used a WYSIWYG HTML editor to design the content and then copied and pasted the HTML from the .htm file into the content block's HTML editor. The .htm file (with no CSS and no class defined) displayed properly in my browser and I expected the same in C5, but I guess the CSS from the theme is interfering.

Where would I find this CSS file to edit it?
drbiskit replied on at Permalink Reply
It will probably be here:

If not there, try looking here:

Open it up, and try adding the CSS I previously suggested at the bottom of the file, then save. See how you get on.
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
Try adding this:


to the "CSS" Tab of the "Design" Dialog of that Content Block if you need the bullets only there and nowhere else.