C5 and Firefox 4

Hey Everyone,

A colleague of mine has just downloaded Firefox 4, the latest release and in doing so is now unable to access the 'edit' bar once logged into the C5 system.

We've tried this on several versions of Concrete and with multiple layouts / themes.

Has anyone else experienced this? Has the community noticed this with the Firefox 4 beta? Just wondering if anyone knows if it's a browser thing, or conflicting styles etc.

Any info, confirmation, suggestions are welcome.

Thank you,

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
I just tested in Firefox 4 Stable (not RC) on Mac OSX and it works perfectly fine.
ryan replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, I've been working on FF4 + OS 10.6 for two days with no issues - dealt with a number of different concrete5 versions & themes in that time.
roketto replied on at Permalink Reply

Yes, we are finding issues with FF4 as well. Some of our clients websites that are on are not able to edit their editable area's in the recently released version of firefox (4).

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you please post what OS both of you are using...
sketch2k replied on at Permalink Reply
Chris! This issue asside, I hope you guys are doing well these days ;)

Mnkras, thanks for the response and feedback.

Yeah this is a shame. So far the issues are on Windows XP for us here. We're a little gun shy and on the fence as to whether or not we should upgrade on our Windows 7 PC's as well.

I thought at first that it may have been a Z-Index issue, or a position issue ... or just CSS in general, but in testing that theory, that does not appear to be the case.
altitudems replied on at Permalink Reply
FireFox 4 on OSX 10.6 seems to function correctly so far except you can't successfully create links to pages or files in TinyMCE.

Hmmm... Maybe if TinyMCE is updated?