C5 sometimes hangs, while editing the website

Hi folks, I am using Nginx server. I have 3 web sites running - 1 WP, 1 Magento and 1 C5.

Only C5 causes problems, while editing a page. It doesn't happen every time, but any 3-4 days I run into the same trouble again.

When I want to edit a page, C5 takes endlessly for loading. Every change becomes a pain. First it's only the backend that causes the trouble. Later on even the front end hangs up.

This often ends up that I have to completely restart my webserver, because after a while all 3 front ends of my 3 web sites are no longer available.

I tried to clear cache, but it doesn't help.Any ideas, why C5 behaves that strange and how I can solve it?

glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
Check for missing assets using a tool like Chrome Developer Tools or Firebug. I've experienced 30 second delays for each missing asset before. In some conditions, c5 will ask for something, can't find it and still parse the Page Not Found until it gives up.

I'm still trying to track down a seemingly random delay loading context_js (c5 editing toolbar). If anyone has experience a delay with the toolbar and fixed it, share your tips!
Philnext replied on at Permalink Reply
The same pb is for some sites (mine & others) for C5 on OVH (French hoster). Today the only solution is to come back to Concrete 5.4 version.
CygnetMidwest replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for that tip about the missing assets. I've had one of my C5 installs slow down dramatically after an upgrade. Going to check for missing assets! Thanks!