C5 Timing Out

Got C5 up and running with no problems on IIS & PHP (which is good going for a .NET developer), I have a slight problem however in my customer templates.

Having created a working default.php, I created a slight variation as a new page type, however when I try to add the page via Sitemap I enter the details, the loading/progress animation appears and nothing happens, eventually (10mins or so) the connection is 'reset'. The only way I can edit any content within my custom page types is to manage them via the 'Pages and Themes' panel in the dashboard? Other functions of C5 are also timing out? Any help? (This is all running on my localhost)

Kind Regards, Joe.

shenn replied on at Permalink Reply
could you post your phpinfo() ??

do you have php in ISAPI / fastCGI mode?
JoeGlasgow replied on at Permalink Reply
PHP info

PHP Version 5.2.13
System    Windows NT JOSEPH-PC 6.0 build 6002
Build Date    Feb 24 2010 14:30:19
Configure Command    cscript /nologo configure.js "--enable-snapshot-build" "--enable-debug-pack" "--with-snapshot-template=d:\php-sdk\snap_5_2\vc6\x86\template" "--with-php-build=d:\php-sdk\snap_5_2\vc6\x86\php_build" "--with-pdo-oci=D:\php-sdk\oracle\instantclient10\sdk,shared" "--with-oci8=D:\php-sdk\oracle\instantclient10\sdk,shared" "--without-pi3web" "--enable-mongo=shared"
Server API    ISAPI
Virtual Directory Support    enabled
Configuration File (php.ini) Path    C:\Windows
Loaded Configuration File    C:\PHP\php.ini
Scan this dir for additional .ini files    (none)
additional .ini files parsed    (none)
PHP API    20041225
PHP Extension    20060613
Zend Extension    220060519
Debug Build    no
Thread Safety    enabled

PHP is in ISAPI !

Regards, J.
shenn replied on at Permalink Reply
you're sure it's in ISAPI because you're on IIS 7 instead of IIS 6

Why are you running it in ISAPI?

This is my php config and c5 version 5.4 works great on it.

shenn replied on at Permalink Reply
did you also checked the php logs.
gave the directory's the right permissions. because that's a little strange in Windows.
PHP runs under a certain IUSR account.
JoeGlasgow replied on at Permalink Reply
I shall give FastCGI a go then...hoping for the best.

When I was installing PHP on IIS the tutorial used ISAPI instead of FastCGI, that was the only reason!

JoeGlasgow replied on at Permalink Reply
Well HammmmBurger! it seems to be working! Well the page is added it seems!

Thanks much!
shenn replied on at Permalink Reply
fastCGI 1.5 is better. you can download it here:


I have php x64 builds but after reading it's no performance difference.

so just use 32bit compiled in vc9 php version.
Non thread save are faster. than thread save so if you can find a php_5.3.2_NTS_win32_x86.zip sort of php version you're good to go.

for 32bit are more extensions availible than the 64bit.

I'm waiting for a Opcode in 64bit compiled.
for instance APC, Xcache or eAccelerator. But still no luck.

Great that you figured out the bug. Was it the permissions of IUSR user account??
JoeGlasgow replied on at Permalink Reply
after instantiating the FastCGI instead of ISAPI the permissions became an issue but I just allowed the IUSR all permissions on the wwwroot where concrete is installed and voila, a more efficient site.

I actually thought ppl were talking non-sense when they said there is a performance difference between ISAPI and FastCGI, but then I'm not used to PHP and have feared it for a while!

I will have a look into FastCGI 1.5, thanx for the advice!

I dont know if you could help further but my client already has C5 installed on his server and I have installed on mine to redesign his entire site. Is it just a case of copying my bespoke theme files from my concrete installation to his server, or do I have to go through all the moving-site pullava?

Sorry to be a head pain!

Kind Regards,

shenn replied on at Permalink Reply
no only if you use different
area names in it. the content won't be put in there anymore.
so for instance you have a 2 column template and you needed to make it a 3 column the new area you're making (in the third column) won't have any content in it.

like this.
$a = new Area('Column 3');

But overwriting default.php or other css / js files in your /themes directory after you've made a backup should not get you in any trouble.