calendar error

how to fix this error:
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT eo.occurrenceID FROM CalendarEventOccurrences eo INNER JOIN CalendarEvents e ON e.eventID = eo.eventID LEFT JOIN CalendarEventSearchIndexAttributes ea ON e.eventID = ea.eventID WHERE (e.caID = ?) AND (((eo.startTime <= ?) AND (eo.endTime > ?)) OR ((eo.startTime >= ?) AND (eo.startTime <= ?)) OR ((eo.startTime <= ?) AND (eo.endTime >= ?))) ORDER BY eo.startTime, ASC' with params ["3", 1512079200, 1512079200, 1512079200, 1512165599, 1512079200, 1512165599]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'eo.eventID' in 'on clause'

get this when i try go dashboard / calendar and events..

c5 version 8.3.1

67072568252 replied on at Permalink Reply
any help this issue???

now i get error with:

Exception Occurred: /home/######/domains/######/public_html/concrete/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php:71 An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT eo.occurrenceID FROM CalendarEventOccurrences eo INNER JOIN CalendarEvents e ON e.eventID = eo.eventID LEFT JOIN CalendarEventSearchIndexAttributes ea ON e.eventID = ea.eventID WHERE (e.caID = ?) AND (((eo.startTime ?)) OR ((eo.startTime >= ?) AND (eo.startTime

version 8.3.2
typoman76 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey! Did you found a solution for this?

Have the same error on a 8.3.2 installation with calendar package.