Can a desktop blog editor be used with concrete5?
I'd like to use windows live writer to write my blog entries. Is there a way to do this with c5? Live Writer doesn't want to recognize the blog type when I point it to
Currently not available in core concrete5, what are your reasons for using that over blogging directly into Concrete5?
The blog editor in c5 leaves a lot to be desired. Considering how user-friendly the rest of c5 is, I'm having way too much trouble with the editor. I ended up just getting a blogger account and linking to it thru the nav bar. Thanks, tho!
ProBlog has a much better editing experience and also has an iPad iPhone Android app for publishing. Not sure why you were not able to find is there and available.
I did see ProBlog, but it didn't sound like it was something I could use offline and that's what I was looking for.
Pro Blog does have an offline editor. I use the iPad version.