Can admin change member profile content?


I've been using the advanced permissions to ensure that members can only view and edit their own profile page, which i seem to have working now.

However I really need to be able to set it so that an ADMIN can change the content of EVERY member profile.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks in advance

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
To let your users in the administrator group edit other users profiles, you need to give them the appropriate access to dashboard/members/search users.

Go to Sitemap and view system pages to find the dashboard and members.
thomasducel replied on at Permalink Reply

I've given advanced permissions for the admin to edit content for member page and profile pages

It will still only let a member edit their own profile?

I'm sure this is something simple, but I just can't figure it.

I also can't find advanced permissions for dashboard/members/search users?

Any ideas?

adajad replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
Go to Dashboard
Click on Full Sitemap
Expand Options (top right)
Tick check box to show system pages
Expand Dashboard node
Expand Members node
Click on Search Users and select Set permissions

(screen shot attached)

Please note you will have to give them view permissions to the dashboard as well.
thomasducel replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Adajad,

Thanks for that, I was having a bit of a moment that day, and was trying to edit as a front end user....whoops! So i did figure it out, I tried to leave a reply saying I'd figured it, but it never appeared.

Thanks for your help anyway, your first post got me on the correct path.
Gingebean replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there how did you work this one out ?
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Make sure you are logged in as the super admin when setting these permissions.
Gingebean replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks do you think there is any way of admin can edit all profiles in the front end ?
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
If you, logged in as Super Admin (account created during install with uID=1), gives the group Administrators the correct permissions as stated above, all users in the Administrators group should be able to edit user information from the Dashboard.
Gingebean replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah thanks this I know what I was wondering at the same time is would it be possible for an admin or other group to edit members profiles in the "front end"