Can I set a font in the toolbar?

Hey everyone! Sorry if this is an obvious question, but I was wondering if there was a way to set a certain font (I want to use Arial) in my toolbar instead of having to change it every single time. It would make it much easier so that everyone I have putting content on my site would use the same font every time. Thank you very much!

keeasti replied on at Permalink Reply
Probably best to set it in the CSS (style sheet)
jmasserini replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately, I don't know how I would do that. I'm trying to learn as I go.
alphaboson replied on at Permalink Reply
use the typography.css in your theme.

there you can do something linke this:

h1.mycoolwebfont {
font-family: mycoolwebfont;

h1.mycoolestwebfont {
font-family: mycoolestwebfont;
so you have a font selection on the h1…

(and you need the normal @font-face definition in your normal css…)
jmasserini replied on at Permalink Reply
I appreciate your response very much, but unfortunately I don't know exactly how to do that either. Could you explain?