Can't enter table in the content block?

Using the latest Concrete5...

Go to insert a table using the tool in the content block, however once I've entered my info and clicked ok, the whole table dialogue seems to disappear and reset (the dialogue resets)....

Doesn't seem to be working.

I'm editing with the latest version of Safari.


okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
The problem seems to be with KHTML based browsers (Safari, Chrome, Konqueror) and TinyMCE.
Just tried Firefox and it works fine.
myFullFlavour replied on at Permalink Reply
OK so is that a bug that Frz and co need to know about?
myFullFlavour replied on at Permalink Reply
(Thanks by the way, I can use Firefox as a work around in the interim!)
okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
Welcome. There are really many issues with TinyMCE. I'm suffering when I edit my Arabic pages, especially when they contain crappy Word pasted text.
I love CKEditor (, and feel it's much stable and compatible with browsers.
Unfortunately, didn't have the time yet to try to integrate and use it instead of TinyMCE.