Can't format the content of my profiles.

Granted I'm VERY new to building sites and my code abilities are pretty much limited to html. I have the member profiles set up so that they can edit their "About Me", "Gender", etc. I want to format it to where the header ex."About Me:[content]" is a different color and bolded and well as add a <br> between each bit of information. I think I have to edit this in my file manager from my host but that's all in PHP so I really need some help on this.

ericwright17 replied on at Permalink Reply
What you can do is edit the view.php file in the package that needs the change. You can add pure html code into this file as long as it doesn't fall in the <?php ... > tags. You would need to put it outside of those tags.

Some blocks use the echo("some string") function to display data. You can add html in here as long as you enclose it in quotes.

Backup any php file before editing it.
Necroklok9 replied on at Permalink Reply
This might be futile granted I don;t really know much about code but here it is.
<?php  defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?>
<div id="ccm-profile-wrapper">
    <?php  Loader::element('profile/sidebar', array('profile'=> $profile)); ?>    
    <div id="ccm-profile-body">   
       <div id="ccm-profile-body-attributes">
       <div class="ccm-profile-body-item">
        <h1><?php echo $profile->getUserName()?></h1>
        $uaks = UserAttributeKey::getPublicProfileList();
        foreach($uaks as $ua) { ?>
                <label><?php echo $ua->getKeyName()?></label>
                <?php echo $profile->getAttribute($ua, 'displaySanitized', 'display'); ?>
        <?php  } ?>

This is the code from my "view.php" file.
If i wanted the header of each line of info to be formatted differently from the rest of the content then where/how would I put that?
Necroklok9 replied on at Permalink Reply
Can I just plug in CSS as well? I'm currently learning it.