Can't translate website?

I downloaded the Internationalization add-on.

Does this add-on provide actual translations, not just create the pages for translations?

Meaning, does it translate english text to french text for example?

If it does, how do you do it? I have watched the videos and went through examples but it doesn't seem to switch languages. Rather just copy the english pages word for word.

olliephillips replied on at Permalink Reply
No translation, it replicates the original page for each language you need - that content must then be translated.
admin replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there anyway I can translate the website?
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply

Google does translation and there web services that you could use.

So maybe it's about a bit of cut and paste?

I think?
admin replied on at Permalink Reply
I was thinking about that :-)

Thanks for your help!

UPDATE: It doesn't matter, just found out that the internationalization tool will do fine, without translating the website for me. Phew!