Cannot Change Password
PermalinkUsers can't change their passwords from the Edit Profile page.
From Edit Profile page... Click edit, enter new password, enter it again to validate, click [save]. Users will get an error saying "Invalid email address provided."
I have a workaround... I tell the user to request a new "lost" password.

I tried overwriting:
I have no way of "making sure" the files were transferred correctly other than looking for an error in my FTP program or getting a 500 server error.
override everything, check for if any files didn't make it in ftp,
Same thing...
So, I moved a copy of the "profile" folder inside the "concrete/controllers" directory to my installation's root "controllers" directory, then edited the "edit.php" file inside the newly copied folder. Specifically, I commenting out lines 41-47 "//validate the user's email" and what immediately follows. The change password form now works correctly.