Cannot see edit Menu

My edit menu has disappeared for my website!

I am certain that the load header and load footer scripts are in the right spot. I see this is the usual issue.

When I go to console when the page loads I see the following error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <


Any idea? It's pretty frustrating.

<?php    defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); ?>
<!doctype html>
<html lang="<?php   echo LANGUAGE?>">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<link href='//|Roboto:400,300,500,500italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php  echo $this->getThemePath()?>/ss/normalize.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php  echo $this->getThemePath()?>/ss/styles.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="<?php  echo $this->getStyleSheet('typography.css')?>" />
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php  echo $this->getThemePath()?>/ss/ie.css" />
<?php   Loader::element('header_required'); ?>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->getThemePath(); ?>/js/jquery.backstretch.min.js"></script>

jvuka replied on at Permalink Reply
Still no answer on this.
Cannot figure it out and I am ready to abandon C5.

I can't find if it is an improper javascript source or anything else.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
That is an unusual error, which I haven't seen before. What version of c5 are you on? Can you see any js errors?

Have you tried replacing 'page_controls_menu_js.php'? The file is located in 'public_html/concrete/tools/' and you can safely replace the file with the same from a downloaded zipped version of the core:
jvuka replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi Adajad,

Turns out - when I migrated the site from Local to the server, I didn't have the lowercase set. I used the following addon to change the case of my tables.

The addon worked properly but it did not catch the tables of other addons I have.


I ended up creating a new install as I do not want to mess with a database with issues. - Thankfully my website is in development and this isn't a huge loss.

Mods - mark this solved.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm glad you found the problem.