cant add files in file manager

Permalink 1 user found helpful
hi i cant add files in file manager. there is nowhere to upload a file. i have been using concrete5 for over a year now and am very familiar with c5 but since the update there does not seem to be anywhere to upload files?

NBardales replied on at Permalink Reply
What version did you update to? Concrete 5.5?
Can you attach a screenshot to see what your problem is exactly?

Personally, I couldn't upload files on C5.5, but it was a problem related with Server Permissions.
creativemedia replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
it's Version:, I'm really not sure because on my other sites, the links are at the top right hand side of the screen. Luckily I haven't done anything to the site yet so I might just re-install it if I can't work it out.
fastcrash replied on at Permalink Reply
i think you should just re-install it again. it's hard i think to find that error. thats why dont want to update. it's to risky..
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you take a screenshot of the "Access" tab of the File Manager so that I could check out whether everything is ok there...?

Another thing, I'd look into is whether your browser throws any JavaScript errors because that might also affect seeing those.

Just a few guesses.

bishopdennis replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same problem ... and from searching through the forums, it would appear that the problem is with ... but I have not received any answers yet as to how to fix it. I also hear that 5.5 is available, but my update says I'm current.
bishopdennis replied on at Permalink Reply
I received the following reply on another forum and thought I'd pass it on to you.

"Usually this is because the "Allowed File-types" gets "lost", and usually after upgrading from to (well for me anyway).
If the file types box is blank/empty, then no buttons are displayed in the file manager."

Go here to see the example:

I hope this helps you, as it did me.
wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Go to Dashboard >> System and Settings >> Permissions & Access>> Allowed File Types... and add the following filetypes

flv, jpg, gif, jpeg, ico, docx, xla, png, psd, swf, doc, txt, xls, xlsx, csv, pdf, tiff, rtf, m4a, mov, wmv, mpeg, mpg, wav, avi, m4v, mp4, mp3, qt, ppt, pptx, kml, xml

Now your 'upload' buttons will appear in the file manager as usual.
johnson72223 replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
I did this, and still do not see any buttons...when i choose the file manager, i leave my site all together...see the pdf pic ..

the second attachment is the file manager screen...there is no way to add any media...

help please...
