Can't add files to filesets anymore, too many filesets maybe?


Our customer has a site with a lot of Holliday accommodations. Each accommodation has his own fileset. But from this week they can't add any files to a fileset anymore. They are using the file manager of concrete5.

They can upload files and they can add filesets separately. But when you select a fileset and click the save button nothing is saved. The post is going well and I don't get an error on the requested page (index.php/tools/required/files/add_to/).

They have 1096 filesets now, could that be a problem? I don't get the max execution time error, max upload size etc errors so that's not it. Please is there someone with this problem too?

Thanks for helping me!

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I have worked on a 5.6 site with many more filesets than that.

Bear in mind that some dashboard pages that list filesets, such as the file manager, could struggle with execution time if you are on a slow server.
impression replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hello John,
Thank you for your reply! It was not the execution time but "max_input_vars". I increased this from 1000 to 2000 and it works all fine now.
abra100pro replied on at Permalink Reply
Hm, I have the same problem on with only 307 sets - and checked this max_input_vars, which fixed it! Thanks so much!