can't edit anymore after upgrade to 5.5

I added this code
<?php Loader::element('header_required'); ?>
to /themes/emplode/elements/footer.php
just before the body tag, as explained in some contributions to this forum.
But I still get a white bar when logging in to administer the website.
What when wrong?
On the same server another C5website with theme Inove works fine without any change to the theme.

Thanks for your answer!

peterroos replied on at Permalink Reply
The code I added got lost:

<?php   Loader::element('footer_required'); ?>

was what I added
MrGrowBizz replied on at Permalink Reply
peterros, had a similar issue that I was able to quickly correct, possibly may help you. I had other edits within in the elements/footer file such as for adding page views. Once removed, bar was OK. Have not yet tried to modify the code to add back.