Can't edit pages without error messages

Post edited - just after I finished posting this message I tried editing in Firefox (I was using Safari 6 on Mac OS 10.7.4)

No problems with Firefox.

Sorry to bother, but at least this is here for anyone else with Safari 6 for editing online.


Hi, I've installed Concrete5 with the base template left in place and edited the home page (on two different installations with the same hosting firm). The install went fine, just had to manually chmod the one file to 755 for the comparisons feature. I have safe php turned on, but my reading found that this should have minimal impact.

Site is

After edits, I click on Save and get this error:

{"aID":"52","arHandle":"Site Name","cID":"1","error":false,"bID":"23"}#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

with different numbers and data depending on the change in what I'm editing. So I hit the save again then get this:

ccm_menuObj2352 = new Object(); ccm_menuObj2352.type = "BLOCK"; ccm_menuObj2352.arHandle = 'Site Name'; ccm_menuObj2352.aID = 52; ccm_menuObj2352.bID = 23; ccm_menuObj2352.cID = 1; ccm_menuObj2352.canWrite =true; ccm_menuObj2352.hasEditDialog = true; ccm_menuObj2352.btName = "Content"; ccm_menuObj2352.width = 600; ccm_menuObj2352.height = 485; ccm_menuObj2352.canCopyToScrapbook = true; ccm_menuObj2352.canDesign = true; ccm_menuObj2352.canAdmin = true; ccm_menuObj2352.canDelete = true; ccm_menuObj2352.deleteMessage = "Do you want to delete this block?"; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_menuObj2352)}); Just Astronomy ccm_areaMenuObj52 = new Object(); ccm_areaMenuObj52.type = "AREA"; ccm_areaMenuObj52.aID = 52; ccm_areaMenuObj52.arHandle = "Site Name"; ccm_areaMenuObj52.canAddBlocks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj52.canWrite = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj52.canLayout = false; ccm_areaMenuObj52.canDesign = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_areaMenuObj52)}); Add To Sitewide Site Name ccm_menuObj2053 = new Object(); ccm_menuObj2053.type = "BLOCK"; ccm_menuObj2053.arHandle = 'Header Nav'; ccm_menuObj2053.aID = 53; ccm_menuObj2053.bID = 20; ccm_menuObj2053.cID = 1; ccm_menuObj2053.canWrite =true; ccm_menuObj2053.hasEditDialog = true; ccm_menuObj2053.btName = "Auto-Nav"; ccm_menuObj2053.width = 500; ccm_menuObj2053.height = 370; ccm_menuObj2053.canCopyToScrapbook = true; ccm_menuObj2053.canDesign = true; ccm_menuObj2053.canAdmin = true; ccm_menuObj2053.canDelete = true; ccm_menuObj2053.deleteMessage = "Do you want to delete this block?"; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_menuObj2053)}); HomeAboutBlogSearch ccm_areaMenuObj53 = new Object(); ccm_areaMenuObj53.type = "AREA"; ccm_areaMenuObj53.aID = 53; ccm_areaMenuObj53.arHandle = "Header Nav"; ccm_areaMenuObj53.canAddBlocks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj53.canWrite = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj53.canLayout = false; ccm_areaMenuObj53.canDesign = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_areaMenuObj53)}); Add To Sitewide Header Nav ccm_menuObj5625 = new Object(); ccm_menuObj5625.type = "BLOCK"; ccm_menuObj5625.arHandle = 'Header Image'; ccm_menuObj5625.aID = 25; ccm_menuObj5625.bID = 56; ccm_menuObj5625.cID = 1; ccm_menuObj5625.canWrite =true; ccm_menuObj5625.hasEditDialog = true; ccm_menuObj5625.btName = "Image"; ccm_menuObj5625.width = 400; ccm_menuObj5625.height = 570; ccm_menuObj5625.canCopyToScrapbook = true; ccm_menuObj5625.canDesign = true; ccm_menuObj5625.canAdmin = true; ccm_menuObj5625.canDelete = true; ccm_menuObj5625.deleteMessage = "Do you want to delete this block?"; ccm_menuObj5625.canArrange = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_menuObj5625)}); ccm_areaMenuObj25 = new Object(); ccm_areaMenuObj25.type = "AREA"; ccm_areaMenuObj25.aID = 25; ccm_areaMenuObj25.arHandle = "Header Image"; ccm_areaMenuObj25.canAddBlocks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj25.canWrite = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj25.canLayout = true; ccm_areaMenuObj25.canDesign = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_areaMenuObj25)}); Add To Header Image ccm_menuObj5324 = new Object(); ccm_menuObj5324.type = "BLOCK"; ccm_menuObj5324.arHandle = 'Main'; ccm_menuObj5324.aID = 24; ccm_menuObj5324.bID = 53; ccm_menuObj5324.cID = 1; ccm_menuObj5324.canWrite =true; ccm_menuObj5324.hasEditDialog = true; ccm_menuObj5324.btName = "Content"; ccm_menuObj5324.width = 600; ccm_menuObj5324.height = 485; ccm_menuObj5324.canCopyToScrapbook = true; ccm_menuObj5324.canDesign = true; ccm_menuObj5324.canAdmin = true; ccm_menuObj5324.canDelete = true; ccm_menuObj5324.deleteMessage = "Do you want to delete this block?"; ccm_menuObj5324.canArrange = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_menuObj5324)}); The Largest Collection of Astronomy Links - That Work! Just Astronomy is a site dedicated to, you guessed it, just astronomy. There is nothing for sale here, this is not a site which is a front to a commercial retail or manufacturing company. The goal at this point is to create the largest collection of astronomy links - that work. Search the database! That's the key - working astronomy links. Have you traveled about the internet and noticed that on most astro sites the astronomy links do not work? Well, my goal is to accumulate as many working astronomy links, categorize the links, and maintain the links. With over 2,000 links to date, this is a time consuming job, every site is visited and verified as working and info gathered about the site. On a regular basis, the software runs a routine to verify all of the links in the database. As a result, this site is not very pretty at the present, my efforts are going into the creation of the links collection. If you would like to submit astronomy/space related links, please feel free to visit the Astronomy Links pages and contribute. You can contribute! Do you have spare time on your hands, an interest in learning more about astronomy and the related scientific fields? Do you want to learn more about a specific aspect of astronomy or space exploration? Then do I have an opportunity for you. You can register at the Astronomy Links pages and submit links to astronomy sites and see how interesting it is to explore a link, then follow a dozen or so from it, and so on and so forth. Collecting astro links is truly a "black hole" for time, before you know it, an evening has gone by. ccm_areaMenuObj24 = new Object(); ccm_areaMenuObj24.type = "AREA"; ccm_areaMenuObj24.aID = 24; ccm_areaMenuObj24.arHandle = "Main"; ccm_areaMenuObj24.canAddBlocks = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj24.canWrite = 1; ccm_areaMenuObj24.canLayout = true; ccm_areaMenuObj24.canDesign = true; $(function() {ccm_menuInit(ccm_areaMenuObj24)}); Add To Main Currently logged in as admin. Sign Out ©2012 Just Astronomy. 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SettingsMove/CopyDeleteAttributes/Home #next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }

Then I click on the X in the top right corner to exit the edit window. I then click to exit edit mode and don't get a Publish icon to click on. As soon as I'm out of "Edit mode" I get the notice that there is a saved version for me to approve. I click it and the change is made.

Any help on this please?
My error?

DigitalCanuck replied on at Permalink Reply
Further update - I cleared out all my cookies which had been accumulating. This seems to work, as I can now edit my pages without errors using Safari.

Now I'm happy ;-)