Can't edit/add blocks in Safe Landing theme

Hi all!
I just activated the theme Safe Landing for my site. After switching to the Edit mode, I tried to mouse over a block area and clicked but nothing happened. I can't edit the block either add new blocks to the homepage.
Do I miss something?

datacraftsteve replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the exact same problem.

I have a new ver install. I immediately installed the theme Shop since I had an extra license so I don't know if I would have had this problem with the default themes that install up front.

But while I can log, view the dash board and make the few changes I wanted to I cannot edit any pages. I can add a new page, go to edit and go into edit mode. But if I click on a block nothing happens. Can't add, edit or delete.

Any suggestions?
datacraftsteve replied on at Permalink Reply
Forgot to mention that I did clear the cache several times. Also, logged out, closed chrome and logged back in. Still can't make any edits.
datacraftsteve replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Okay, got it to work. I was about to write that I also cleared my browser cache, etc. and then wasn't sure if I did it. So, I went into chrome->more tools->clear browsing data and checked off the boxes to clear the cache, cookies, download history, browsing history.

And that did it!