Can't Get Logo on with New Concrete 5


I've been trying to do the global scrapbook to get my picture logo on the site but it keeps showing the text logo. I cleared the cache, deleted and recreated the scrapbook title My_Site_Name but still nothing happens. Please advise.

Also, is there a way to change the font of the auto nav without going into the CSS?


kosmosol replied on at Permalink Reply
Im having the same issue but I am trying to make the log/header change in the more recent version.
I am using Green salad, and gone to Stacks/Site Name as shown in various places, changed the 'sitename' text to a logo that I have already uploaded, saved, cleared the cache and it has not done anything!!!

Tried several times, this should work it isnt am I missing something??
kosmosol replied on at Permalink Reply
Im having the same issue but I am trying to make the log/header change in the more recent version.
I am using Green salad, and gone to Stacks/Site Name as shown in various places, changed the 'sitename' text to a logo that I have already uploaded, saved, cleared the cache and it has not done anything!!!

Tried several times, this should work it isnt am I missing something??
kosmosol replied on at Permalink Reply
Im having the same issue but I am trying to make the log/header change in the more recent version.
I am using Green salad, and gone to Stacks/Site Name as shown in various places, changed the 'sitename' text to a logo that I have already uploaded, saved, cleared the cache and it has not done anything!!!

Tried several times, this should work it isnt am I missing something??