Cant see new added pages

Hi all,

I am entirely new to concrete5 and having some major newbie issues. I have it installed, have the default theme, and downloaded the Halloween theme just to play around.

When I look at my directory in my ftp program, I have a config folder right off the root. Within that folder is packages, files, themes, single pages, etc....and another config folder. I also have a concrete folder, and within that concrete folder, is also tools, themes, single pages. It almost looks like I have everything twice. Is this supposed to be that way?

When I installed the Halloween theme from the market place, it installed to config/packages/. However, my default themes are in config/concrete/themes/greensalad (for example).

I have no idea if this has been installed properly to begin with.

Secondly, when I log in to edit the sample site, I can apply my themes, however I only see the "home" sample page. I can see the links to the other pages on the nav bar, but if I click them, I get the "404 error", and the path is /config/about/

I was able to add a new page, and add content to it when it opens up, but once I publish it, I see the new page on my nav bar, but once again, I cannot click it to see it. I can see it in my site map and even edit it from there. I have checked the permissions of the pages and allowed everyone and their uncle to be able to edit in any way possible, and that has not changed anything.

I am utterly confused. My husband is an IT director and installed this for me, and now he is giving me attitude that I must be doing something wrong. I am very frustrated, have been staring at this for hours, and just about ready to give up. :(

If anyone can try to help me, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you!

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Carrie,

although you are supposed to have a top level /concrete folder containing the 'core' of C5, as well as a bunch of empty folders that mirror the folders inside the concrete folder (for your override files), what sounds weird here is that you have everything inside a config folder.

The top level folder (the document root) of your website should have the concrete folder, those empty folders and couple of files (like index.php and .htaccess). On most hosts the document root is a folder named liked public_html or htdocs.

So it sounds like it hasn't been installed quite right and that may be the reason why you are getting those 404 errors. There could be another reason why you are getting those errors, but I think you should look at fixing that first.

When you access the site, are you going to to view it?

It's actually pretty hard to get 404 errors in concrete5 if you are just using the autonav block, unless something is misconfigured.

So I say ask your husband to have a look at it again!
And don't give up, it's an awesome system when it is installed properly! :-)

cobin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you so much for the reply! My husband re-installed and started over, now everything seems to be working properly.

One more question for now. Right now to get to my sample site, I have to go here: (this is a very old domain that we are using just for testing).

Is that path correct? How do I set my default pages, so that when a viewer goes to, they go straight to my new concrete5 pages? I will of course delete the old static html pages.

Hopefully I will get the hang of this, its just really new for me to design this way and I'm trying to wrap my head around it.

Thank you again!
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
So you can view the concrete5 site by just going to your domain only, you need to have the contents of that concrete5.5.2.2 folder at the root of the site. In other words, you don't put everything inside a folder like that.

Sometimes you might install c5 into a folder so you can work on it out of the public eye, and then move everything up a level when the site is ready to 'go live'. If you decide to take that approach, when you do move your site you'd want to take note of the couple of things you need to do (you have to edit a file or two).

Since you have said it is a very old domain, it's probably going to be less stressful to install c5 to the root level now and get that working first.