Cargo-style front page

So I'm doing a sort of Cargo Collective-style implementation, with thumbnails, titles and tags on a page. Here's the mark-up:

<div class="folioColLeft">
<div class="folioThumb"><img src="images/thumb.png" /></div>
<div class="folioTitle">Title</div>
<div class="folioTag">Tag</div>

I wrapped the thumb, title and tag divs in another div intentionally to make the whole thing like a module.

Anyway, the question is, how can I make it such in c5 that the user - when editting the page on which all of these are found - can insert (or even delete) one of these as needed and edit the contents, without having to do so in the actual template file? My immediate thinking is a custom block, but my PHP skills are really weak.

Any of you ever do something like this?

cannonf700 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Check out the Thumbnail page list block in the C5 marketplace
Continuity replied on at Permalink Reply
Excellent, thanks for that!