Change content type later

Hi everyone,

I am wondering if there is a way to change the type of content after you have added it to the page.

At the moment, I am transferring a site from another CMS to c5. So, for me it is most convenient to simply copy and paste part of the source code into a HTML content area.

But I want my customer to have the WYSIWYG editor, not the HTML one. How can I "reassign" the type to content blocks?

Many thanks!

NUL76 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I don't know if that's possible, but you can also use the HTML in the TinyMCE editor to paste your HTML there.

Your customer can easily use the TinyMCE editor to change the content.
perdittmann replied on at Permalink Reply
Um, I didn't see the wood for the trees there... Thanks a lot, retroweb!