Change my site hosting and content without interruption


I have a question for the community.

I have bought an old site,, with a very old html coding.
I have created a new site under Concrete5 8.5.4 at

I want now to display the new site on

What I plan to do now is :
- changing the IP address of into the IP of hosting
- in the database of Concrete 5, changing the url of into

Is there any other necessary task ?
How do I change the url of into in the database of Concrete 5 ?

I have found how to do it with Wordpress but not with Concrete 5 and I don't want to ruin everything.

Thanks a lot

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
What you describe should work.

A few extras that may help:
- Disable all c5 caches & clear
- Put database entities in development mode
- disable pretty urls and canonical urls

All just for the transition. Once running under the swapped domain, you can re enable it all.

Everything else should happen pretty much automatically.

Backup first, just in case!
wollastoni replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks John, I will remove the canonical and pretty url.

How do I do this though ? :
- Disable all c5 caches & clear
- Put database entities in development mode

And most of all :
How do I change the url of into in the database of Concrete 5 ?
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
dashboard pages.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
>How do I change the url of into in the database of Concrete 5 ?

The only place the domain may be mentioned is as a canonical URL. Hence clearing canonical URLs in the above.

Within c5, all links etc are stored relative to cID (or fID) and translated to/from full URLs when the page is edited or rendered. So you don't need to change anything.
(Unless you have pasted full URLs into an HTML block. HTML blocks are raw and don't do that translation)

To test, create a subdomain and move your new site to the subdomain using the above process. That will keep your old site intact and test the move process.

As an education exercise, if you look at the data for content blocks in the database you will see placeholders like {CCM.....} that are the markers translated to/from urls.
wollastoni replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately the subdomain is not an option as I also want to change my host.

The host of is Inmotion (very expensive and not reactive about $400/year)
My host for is OVH (10x cheaper).

So I would like my domain (domain registered at Earthlink) to show content at the url

And I don't know how to do it.

I have followed all your other advices (remove cache, pretty url...)

Thanks a million for your help
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you mean changing the actual domain to work with the new site? That is a matter to resolve with the hosts and domain registration.

As I noted, as long as you have cleared any canonical URL set within c5 you shouldn't need to change anything within the c5 site.
wollastoni replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I mean that.

I am trying to understand how to do it.
I agree it seems not to be a C5 issue, as no canonical URL.

Maybe there is something to do in the database where the C5 version has been installed though.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
No, domain pointers are completely outside of c5, nothing to do with c5 files or c5 database.

The process depends on where your .com domain is registered and how servers are configured.

If registered through previous host, you will need to either request transfer of the domain to the new host, or set up a forward through your previous host. As you want to end with them, you will need the transfer, but a forward may serve as an interim while the transfer is in progress.

If registered independently of the previous host account, you would merely change the IP address it points to with the register.

The best advice on domain transfer will be through your new host support desk. They are the ones with both the knowledge of how their servers are configured and motivation to help you.