Change Search Box Width

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I am fairly new to C5 but learning trial by fire.

I have a site pretty well built, and am trying to incorporate a search box into the right block, and the search box is too long. I don't understand how to customize the box, so it fits inside the right block? CSS? But where, and what?

Thanks in advance.

SVijay replied on at Permalink Reply

Go to concrete/blocks/search/view.php and find this line

<input name="query" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlentities($query, ENT_COMPAT, APP_CHARSET)?>" />

and add size attribute or write css for this field, thats it you are done.

I recommend you to create a custom template rather than altering the code codings.

hmbimadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Vijay.

Where do I add the attribute in the string? I need to change the width attribute in order to make the box smaller.

If I add a template, how do I apply it?
SVijay replied on at Permalink Reply

If you want to add a template, then you need to duplicate the view.php and find the below code
<input name="query" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlentities($query, ENT_COMPAT, APP_CHARSET)?>" />

and replace it with the below one

<input size="20" name="query" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlentities($query, ENT_COMPAT, APP_CHARSET)?>" />


<input style="width:100px;" name="query" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlentities($query, ENT_COMPAT, APP_CHARSET)?>" />

for more details about custom templates, please visit the given link

hmbimadmin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Vijay, I got it now!
Alexmclovin replied on at Permalink Reply
How would I go about making it rounded? Like the concrete5 sites search?