Change the background of avatars

When I upload an avatar and use the flash thing to scale it I end up with two dark grey bars on either side (my image was thinner than the max width and I centered it) I found in the comments on the avatar page that said
/* flashvars
backgroundColor -- the color to use when tinting the background of the editor (default is 0xFFFFFF)
tint -- the amount of strength to apply when tinting the background of the editor (default is 0)
so I edited my flashvars

to be
var flashvars = {
    backgroundColor: "#78CDF1",
    tint: '100',
    webcam: false,
    width: '<?php  echo AVATAR_WIDTH?>',
    height: '<?php  echo AVATAR_HEIGHT?>',
    image: '<?php  echo $av->getImagePath($ui)?>',
    save: "<?php  echo $this->url($c->getCollectionPath(), 'save_thumb')?>"

This successfully turned off the webcam button but did nothing for the background color I tried with the tint turned off as well and still found nothing that would change the new background color.
I experimented with different methods of using the hex code as well.

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
In order to change the background color you also need to set tint, so I don't know why yours above didn't work.

Try to add
var flashvars = {
    backgroundColor: '0x78CDF1',
    tint: '1',
    width: '<?php  echo AVATAR_WIDTH?>',
    height: '<?php  echo AVATAR_HEIGHT?>',
    image: '<?php  echo $av->getImagePath($ui)?>',
    save: "<?php  echo $this->url($c->getCollectionPath(), 'save_thumb')?>",
    rounding: 12

EDIT: perhaps your value of 100 was too high