change the grass leaf image on green salad theme
specific question:
How is it possible to change the green- grass background image on the green salad theme?
General issue: it appears that there are big limits on customizing the themes, this is making me reconsider weather I should use concrete5 at all.
specific question:
How is it possible to change the green- grass background image on the green salad theme?
General issue: it appears that there are big limits on customizing the themes, this is making me reconsider weather I should use concrete5 at all.
Thank you very much Lucas for the quick response.
Where can I find the green leaf background image?
its not in my file manager
its not in the customize theme menu,
I checked the "inspect" section of green salad- it lists all the files, but no image files.
Where can I find the green leaf background image?
its not in my file manager
its not in the customize theme menu,
I checked the "inspect" section of green salad- it lists all the files, but no image files.
A quick change in your /themes/greensalad/main.css
Old code:
Just redirect it to the image you wish to use.
Old code:
body { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; background: #fff url(images/footer_grass.jpg) repeat-x fixed left bottom; }
Just redirect it to the image you wish to use.
body { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; background: #fff url(images/anything_you_want.jpg) repeat-x fixed left bottom; }
Concrete5 allows theme designers to specify heavy theme customization (fonts, colors, size, etc.) but it depends on the theme. This is one of the more theme-developer friendly systems I have ever worked on.