Change Youtube block size

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I want to change default youtube size (width & height) when i add a video by select youtube block.
How to do it?

Pritam replied on at Permalink Reply
You should create a dir in \yoursite\blocks\youtube\templates\Mytemplate copy the view.php file that you can find in \yoursite\concrete\blocks\youtube to the templates dir you created above and edit customize the view.php to meet your size requirements.

Finally add the youtube block to the desired area in your web-page and choose the custom template that you created with the new youtube video dimensions.

Hope this helps !!
asankaw replied on at Permalink Reply
it means replace <?php echo $vWidth; ?> text & add a customized size?
ex: width:300px
asankaw replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried what you said. It didn't work
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd suggest using this add-on instead:
You just assign the width and it will automatically take care of the height.