Changing Green Salad Theme Footer

Upgraded to from a few days ago. Using Green Salad theme with Page Type “Orig-home” as my Home page. Want to remove the “Sign In to Edit this Site”/“Currently logged in as admin. Sign Out” part of the footer like I had it before the upgrade. Don’t have this problem on any other Green Salad Page Types I’m using for various pages as I have removed the code lines for this from the default.php, full.php, home.php, and view.php in the concrete/themes/greensalad folder. However, all these changes are not producing a change for the Orig-home page. Also, adding the <?php sign-in {display:none;}?> into the Customize theme CSS form box doesn’t work either. What am I missing here?

cannonf700 replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried changing the code in the footer.php?
All those files you listed would be making a call to the footer.php in your themes "elements" folder. So if you haven't changed that, this is probably the problem.
firstnaz replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, that's where I used to make the code change in past C5 versions, but all the Green Salad footer.php file contains in ver. are the following lines of code: =====================================

PHP script text

<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); ?>

<?php Loader::element('footer_required'); ?>

And that's all! There appears to be nothing there to edit/delete. Where do we go from here?
cannonf700 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Sorry, I should have looked at that before posting my answer above... So two possible solutions.
1. Try changing the layout from Orig-Home to a Sidebar layout saving it and then changing it back to the Default.
2. Grab a copy of the GreenSalad theme from a previous version of C5 and upload it to your themes folder. Install via the dashboard. In fact, I'll attach the GreenSalad theme from to this post.
firstnaz replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks cannonf700....
I was apprehensive about doing #1, so I did # 2. After I edited the uploaded default, full, home, and view php files to again remove the footer lines with the login data, all pages were OK except my home page - those words were still there. So I did #1 - I think? In messing around with the page types, I set the default to Home instead of Orig-Home and that changed the footer so its now OK - no login/sign out words. Since that hadn't changed the footer before, I believe that only worked because I did #2 first. (But, please, don't ask me what I "technically" did to resolve this issue.) Anyway, thanks loads for the good suggestions and the download file. All is working well again.